The v-on directive in Vue is used for event handling, allowing us to trigger events such as button clicks.
HTML elements can be configured to execute specific code in response to specific events. This is known as event handling.
Vue events are user-friendly and will enhance the responsiveness of our page.
Code that is configured to execute on event occurrences is known as a vue method.
You can give more specific instructions on how to respond to an event by using v-on modifiers.
To demonstrate how to click a button to count the number of moose in a forest, let’s start with an example.
We require:
To add another moose to the forest’s count, click the button. Clicking the button causes the count property to rise.
{{ "Moose count: " + count }}
Note: One advantage of using Vue is that it automatically updates the number of moose in the <p> tag. If we were using ordinary JavaScript, we would have to write another line of code to update the number the user sees.
‘click’,’mouseover’,’mouseout’, ‘keydown’, and ‘input’ are a few of the frequently used events that can be programmed to run code.
See our HTML DOM Events page for an exhaustive list of events that you can use.
We may design pages that react to user actions thanks to the v-on directive.
The v-on functions by instructing the browser on which event to watch for and what action to take in response to it.
We can place the code in a Vue method and refer to this method from the HTML property, like thus, if we want to execute more complicated code when an event happens.
Click me
We may use something called event modifiers in addition to v-on and Vue methods to change an event so that it, for instance, only occurs once when a page loads or modify an event like ‘submit’ to stop a form from being submitted.
As we can see, there are three methods for using events in Vue that we need to understand: is designed for learning and practice. Examples may be made simpler to aid understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are regularly checked for mistakes, but we cannot guarantee complete accuracy. By using, you agree to our terms of use, cookie, and privacy policy.
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