Global styling is actually accessible in all components and is defined inside the <style> tag in a component or in App.vue.
We can utilize the scope attribute on that component to limit the styling to only that component locally: <style scoped>
Any *.vue file that contains CSS within the <style> tag is globally compatible.
This implies that all of the *.vue files in a project will have <p> tags if, for instance, we set the background color of <p> tags inside the <style> tag to pink in one *.vue file.
Three *.vue files make up this application: App.vue, CompOne.vue, and CompTwo.vue, which are the two components.
The <p> tags in all three *.vue files are impacted by the CSS styling included in CompOne.vue:
This p-tag belongs to 'CompOne.vue'
We use the ‘scoped’ feature on the <style> tag to prevent stylistic changes in one component from affecting elements in other components:
CompOne.vue assigns the scoped attribute to the <style> tag:
This p-tag belongs to 'CompOne.vue' is designed for learning and practice. Examples may be made simpler to aid understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are regularly checked for mistakes, but we cannot guarantee complete accuracy. By using, you agree to our terms of use, cookie, and privacy policy.
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