
Rust Installation

Rust Installation

Installing Rust is the first step. Using rustup, a command-line utility for organizing all of the Rust versions and the tools that go with them, download Rust first.

Rust Installation in Windows

To install Rust on Windows, click this link: https://www.rust-lang.org/install.html. Then, follow the instructions. Once all the instructions have been followed, Rust will install and the following screen will appear:

Rust Installation -
  • Rust’s PATH variable is automatically added to your system PATH after installation.
  • Launch the command window and type the following commands:
					$ rustc --version   

You ought to see the version number, commit hash, and commit date after executing this command.

Should this occur, it indicates a successful installation of Rust. Many congratulations!

Rust Installation -

Note: Installation of visual studio with C++ tools is mandatory to run the rust program.

Rust Installation in Linux or macOS

Use the following command in a terminal window if you’re running Linux or macOS:

					$ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh   

The aforementioned command initiates the rustup tool installation by downloading a script. Rust’s most recent version is installed using this. The following notice will show up if the installation is successful:

					Rust is installed now. Great!  

After your subsequent login, this installation will automatically add Rust to your system path. To execute Rust immediately without having to restart the terminal, type the following command into your shell to manually add the path to your system PATH:

					$ source $HOME/.cargo/env  

After installation, a linker is required. You will receive an error saying that a linker could not be executed when you attempt to run your Rust application. It indicates that your system does not have the linker installed. The right compiler is always produced by C compilers. Set up a compiler for C. Furthermore, a C compiler is required for some of the Rust packages, which depend on C code.

Updating & Uninstalling

Update: Use “rustup” to update to the most recent version of Rust after installing it. Execute the subsequent command to upgrade to the most recent version:

					$ rustup update  

Uninstall: Use the following shell command to remove Rust from your system:

					$ rustup self uninstall  
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Rust Installation

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