
Convert Time to Seconds

How to Convert Time to Seconds using Excel

Discover how to use Excel to convert time to seconds.

Excel can be used to convert time into seconds.

Time can be converted to seconds by using the number 86400.

Convert Time To Seconds -

86400 Explained

Excel uses a 24-hour system.

Each day has 24 hours.

One hour is 60 minutes.

One minute is 60 seconds.

24(hours) * 60(minutes) * 60 (seconds) = 86400


					00:01 * 86400 = 60

As 00:01, or one minute, is equal to 60 seconds, the example returns 60.


There are twenty-four hours in a day.

You can think of each hour as a percentage of the total number of hours in a day.

  • 01:00 = 1/24
  • 02:00 = 2/24
  • 03:00 = 3/24
  • and so on.

The percentage can be used to find the seconds.

Example (15:00)

15:00 * 86400 = 54000

Fifteen hours equals 54000 seconds.

15:00 is 15/24 (0.625).

Multiply to get 86400

24 (hours) * 60 (minutes) * 60 (seconds) = 86400

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