

Excel COUNT Function

Excel has a built-in function called COUNT that counts cells containing numbers inside a specified range.

The typeface is =COUNT.

Note: Only cells with numbers are counted by the COUNT function; cells with letters are not. If there are letters in the cells, the =COUNTA function works better.

How to use the =COUNT function:

  1. Select a cell
  2. Type =COUNT
  3. Double click the COUNT command
  4. Select a range
  5. Hit enter

Here are a few illustrations!

Utilize the =COUNT function on the D2:D21 range. Calculating the total number of cells in the Pokemon stats:

Count -

COUNT function, step by step:

  1. Select D23
  2. Type =COUNT
  3. Double click COUNT in the menu
  4. Select range D2:D21
  5. Hit enter
Count -

Note : that only cells with numbers in a range are counted by the =COUNT function.

Count -
Count -

And that’s it! Twenty cells with numbers were successfully tallied by the =COUNT function.

A Non-Working Example

Let’s try an ineffective example now.

Utilizing the range A2:A21, which consists solely of lettered cells, apply the =COUNT function.

Count -
Count -

It gives the result 0, no numeric cells were identified. There were just lettered cells in range A2:A21.

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