
Font Pairings

Excellent design is mostly dependent on the choice of fonts.

Font Pairing Rules

To make amazing font pairings, follow these simple guidelines:


Finding complementary font pairs is always a safe bet.

An excellent font mix should complement one another without being overly similar or dissimilar.

2.Use Font Superfamilies

A group of fonts intended to complement one another is called a font superfamily. It is therefore safe to use multiple typefaces within the same superfamily.

For instance, the fonts Lucida Sans, Lucida Serif, Lucida Typewriter Sans, Lucida Typewriter Serif, and Lucida Math are all part of the Lucida superfamily.

3.Contrast is King

Overly similar fonts will frequently clash. When contrasts are used well, though, they highlight each font’s best features.

Example: One common mix is serif and sans serif.

Both serif and sans serif versions of the same typeface (such as Lucida and Lucida Sans) are part of a strong superfamily.

4.Choose Only One Boss

The boss should be one typeface. This creates a hierarchy for your page’s typefaces. You can accomplish this by changing the color, weight, and size.


No doubt “Georgia” is the boss here:

					body {
  background-color: black;
  font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
  font-size: 16px;
  color: gray;

h1 {
  font-family: Georgia, serif;
  font-size: 60px;
  color: white;

Some well-liked font combinations that work well with a variety of brands and situations are displayed below.

Georgia and Verdana

Georgia and Verdana is a classic combination. It also sticks to the web safe font standards:


Use the “Georgia” font for headings, and “Verdana” for text:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Helvetica and Garamond

Helvetica and Garamond is an additional traditional pairing that employs web-safe fonts:


For headers and text, use the “Helvetica” and “Garamond” fonts, respectively:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Popular Google Font Pairings

Google Fonts can be used in HTML if you prefer not to use the standard fonts.

With over a thousand font options, Google Fonts can be used for free.

Here are a few well-liked Google Web Font Combinations.

Merriweather and Open Sans


For headings, use the “Merriweather” font; for text, use “Open Sans”:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Ubuntu and Lora


Use “Lora” for text and “Ubuntu” for headings:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Abril Fatface and Poppins


For headings, use the “Abril Fatface” typeface; for content, use “Poppins”:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Cinzel and Fauna One


For headings, use the “Cinzel” font; for content, use “Fauna One”:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Fjalla One and Libre Baskerville


For headings and text, use the fonts “Fjalla One” and “Libre Baskerville” respectively:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Space Mono and Muli


For headings, utilize the “Space Mono” font; for content, use “Muli”:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Spectral and Rubik


Use “Rubik” for text and “Spectral” for headings:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

Oswald and Noto Sans


For headings, use the “Oswald” font; for text, use “Noto Sans”:

...........FONT MUKVA...........

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