BS Jumbotron Creating a Jumbotron A jumbotron is a large box that draws extra attention to some exceptional material or information.A jumbotron appears like a gray box with rounded corners. It also increases the font size of the text within it.Tip: A jumbotron can contain almost any acceptable HTML, including other Bootstrap elements/classes.To construct a jumbotron, add a <div> element with the class .jumbotron. Jumbotron Inside Container To prevent the jumbotron from extending beyond the screen’s edge, place it inside the <div class=”container”>. Example Bootstrap Tutorial Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web. This is some text. This is another text. Jumbotron Outside Container To have the jumbotron expand to the screen boundaries, place it outside the <div class=”container”>. Example Bootstrap Tutorial Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web. This is some text. This is another text. Creating a Page Header A page header functions similarly to a section separator.The .page-header class adds a horizontal line under the title and some more space around the element. Example Page Header To construct a page header, use a <div> element with the class .page-header. Example Example Page Header