BS5 Images Bootstrap 5 Images Rounded Corners An picture can have rounded corners by using the .rounded class: Example Circle The image is shaped into a circle with the .rounded-circle class: Example Thumbnail The .img-thumbnail class shapes the picture to a thumbnail (bordered): Example Aligning Images Use the .float-right or .float-left classes to float an image to the right or left, respectively: Example Centered Image You can add the utility classes to center an image. .d-block (display:block) and .mx-auto (margin:auto) to the image: Example Responsive Images There are several image sizes. Screens also do this. Images that are responsive change size on the fly to fit the screen.By giving the <img> element a .img-fluid class, you may create responsive images. At that point, the image will smoothly scale to the parent element.The picture has height: auto and max-width: 100%; applied to it by the .img-fluid class: Example