
Padding & Spacing

HTML tables have the ability to modify both the cell-to-cell and intra-cell padding.

With Padding

hello hello hello
hello hello hello
hello hello hello

With Spacing

hello hello hello
hello hello hello
hello hello hello

HTML Table - Cell Padding

The distance between a cell’s boundaries and content is known as cell padding.

The padding is set to 0 by default.

The CSS padding property can be used to add padding to table cells:


					th, td {
  padding: 16px;


Use the padding-top attribute to provide padding only above the content.

Additionally, the remaining sides that have the padding-left, padding-right, and padding-bottom properties are:


					th, td {
  padding-top: 20px;
  padding-bottom: 30px;
  padding-left: 40px;
  padding-right: 50px;


HTML Table - Cell Spacing

The distance between each cell is called cell spacing.

The spacing is two pixels by default.

Use the table element’s CSS border-spacing attribute to alter the distance between table cells:


					table {
  border-spacing: 40px;
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