
Vue Scoped Styling

Global styling is actually accessible in all components and is defined inside the <style> tag in a component or in App.vue.

We can utilize the scope attribute on that component to limit the styling to only that component locally: <style scoped>

Global Styling

Any *.vue file that contains CSS within the <style> tag is globally compatible.

This implies that all of the *.vue files in a project will have <p> tags if, for instance, we set the background color of <p> tags inside the <style> tag to pink in one *.vue file.


Three *.vue files make up this application: App.vue, CompOne.vue, and CompTwo.vue, which are the two components.

The <p> tags in all three *.vue files are impacted by the CSS styling included in CompOne.vue:

  <p>This p-tag belongs to 'CompOne.vue'</p>


  p {
    background-color: pink;
    width: 150px;

Scoped Styling

We use the ‘scoped’ feature on the <style> tag to prevent stylistic changes in one component from affecting elements in other components:


CompOne.vue assigns the scoped attribute to the <style> tag:

  <p>This p-tag belongs to 'CompOne.vue'</p>


<style scoped>
  p {
    background-color: pink;
    width: 150px;
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