

Learn Data Structures and Algorithms

A key component of computer science that teaches you how to approach and solve complicated issues methodically is called Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA).

Your software will operate more quickly if you choose the appropriate data structure and method, especially when handling large amounts of data.

Gaining an understanding of DSA can help you ace interviews and obtain amazing positions at tech businesses.

This Tutorial

The goal of this course is to make learning Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) quick and simple.

Along the way, concepts are explained through animations like the one below.

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The foundations of DSA will be covered in the beginning, including a comprehension of various data structures and the fundamentals of algorithms and how they are employed in programming.

After that, you will study sophisticated sorting and searching algorithms, gain further knowledge of intricate data structures like trees and graphs, and investigate ideas like time complexity, among other things.

You will gain a strong foundation in data structures and algorithms from this tutorial, which is a necessary ability for any software developer.

Try it Yourself Examples in Every Chapter

You can alter the online examples in each chapter by clicking the button and seeing the updated version.

This lesson contains code examples written in Python, C, and Java. By selecting the “Run Example” button, you may see this.


					my_array = [7, 12, 9, 4, 11]
minVal = my_array[0]

for i in my_array:
    if i < minVal:
        minVal = i

print('Lowest value:',minVal)

DSA History

The word ‘algorithm’ comes from ‘al-Khwarizmi’, named after a Persian scholar who lived around year 800.

Algorithmic problem solving has roots in antiquity, predating even the development of computers.

With the development of computers in the 1940s, the study of data structures and algorithms truly took off as a means of effectively managing and processing data.

DSA is now a crucial component of professional programming and computer science education, enabling us to produce software more quickly and effectively.

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